The Tortoise and the Hair

It actually felt like my hair was a tortoise the way it grew back.  It actually came back fairly quickly but it felt like FOREVER.  Especially for the hair on my temples.  For those just entering this phase of their cancer treatment here is what my hair journey looked like.  As I’ve frequently said in the past, losing my hair wasn’t nearly as traumatic as I anticipated.  I’m not going to over analyze it but all I can think of is that I’ve always been very adventurous with my hair with color, length and style.  I’ve cut my hair from the middle of my back into a chin length bob without a hiccup.  Dyed it from blonde to chestnut brown.  Maybe my mind looked at it as another style choice.  I’ve had it down to my butt as a kid and in a Jamie Curtis pixie (long before cancer).  One thing I noticed as my hair started regrowing was that IT. WAS. GRAY.  Yup, I don’t know what I was expecting at 49 but it wasn’t that.  Also the new hair after chemo was curly and baby fine.  My pre-chemo hair had a slight wave if I scrunched it but the chemo curls were pretty cool.  As most of my pink sisters are trying to grow back their long locks, I found that I like my hair short and I’m not sure I’ll ever want it long again.  Priorities – 20 minutes extra to lay in bed.  I’m also loving it red.  It’s been blonde for the past 10 years or so but I like this change.  It’s a new me across the board.

1-buzz before chemo

The buzz before chemo.

2-bald after chemo

Bald after chemo

3-trying to come back

Trying to come back 😦

4-male pattern baldness

Male pattern baldness

5-Bobby Hill

Bobby Hill

6-Giant Forehead

Giant forehead

8-curls are leaving

Curls but they’re starting to go